The organization of the North American Association of Fisheries Economists is a volunteer effort of fisheries economists from across North American who are interested in strengthening communication across our profession. Through this network, our goal is to develop strong collegial relationships and networks, and to learn more about the work that others are doing and planning, in order to improve the effectiveness of our research, teaching, and fishery management strategies.
Most of us are long-time members of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), and have enjoyed attending the biennial IIFET meetings. The idea for a North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE) and the North American Fisheries Economics Forum arose in January 2000 at a meeting of the USDA-sponsored Western Coordinating Committee on Markets, Trade and Fisheries Management (WCC 109). At that meeting we discussed how much we enjoyed and benefited from the IIFET meetings, but how these meetings were difficult to attend for many North American fisheries economists--including government employees and students--due to the cost of travel. We also discussed how meetings of other professional organizations whose focus is broader than fisheries economics do not provide the focused opportunity to meet with people who share our specific interests and who are engaged in similar kinds of work.
By holding biennial fisheries economics forums in different parts of North American in odd-numbered IIFET "off-years" (e.g. 2001, 2003, etc.) we provide a regular opportunity to meet with North American colleagues, which will complement the valuable opportunity provided by IIFET meetings to meet with international colleagues. We also encourage North American participation in IIFET.
The organization of biennial fisheries economics forums is the main activity of NAAFE. We hope to complement the activities of sister organizations such as IIFET and the journal and foundation Marine Resource Economics. NAAFE is officially affiliated with both IIFET and MRE.
The primary goal of NAAFE is to encourage communication among fisheries economists. NAAFE will not take any positions on any issues as an organization.
NAAFE is directed by a Board of Directors consisting of a president, a president-elect, a treasurer, and two additional board members. Further details can be found on the Officers page.
NAAFE is registered as a charitable corporation in the State of Oregon. Our governance documents are available on the Bylaws and Policies pages of this website.
The formal establishment of NAAFE took place at the First North American Fisheries Economics Forum in 2001. Ratification of the bylaws and election of an Executive Committee and officers followed.
The NAAFE Business Office is co-located with the IIFET Secretariat, hosted by the Department of Applied Economics at Oregon State University.
NAAFE's Executive Director is Kat Goetting. For assistance with administrative issues, as well as comments and suggestions about this website, she may be contacted at the following address:
Kat Goetting
NAAFE Business Office
Dept. of Applied Economics
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-3601
Phone: 1 541 737 5354
Email: [email protected]